From 15 May to 31 October

Marc Nucera

“What moves me about the landscape is the immense strength of the tree, which will gradually grow from a small insignificant seed to twenty, fifty metres tall, while developing a phenomenal power associated with the idea of fragility, a paradox that invites us to reflect on the reality of life.”
Marc Nucera

The dialogue between artist and material, the bond between humans and trees, gives rise to incredible works of art. In his garden in Provence, Marc Nucera listens to the trees he sculpts, drawing inspiration from their energy and history.

He hollows out, lightens, opens and brings the wooden pieces to life. From a solid mass he extracts a form, an intention, through an approach guided by the material itself. Far from raw, this is above all alive. Marc Nucera reveals the memory in these knots and veins.

Throughout the summer, the artist will be exhibiting four of his monumental sculptures at Villandry in the Sun Garden. What finer setting than these gardens, the fruits of the dialogue between humans and nature…

To discover in the Sun Garden

Marc Nucera, Colosses
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In partenership with
Le Jardin des Amoureux.